Our Philosophy

Deakin Preschool


We acknowledge the land we meet on as Ngunnawal Country and respect the continuing culture and contributions made by the traditional custodians.

Children come to Deakin Preschool as knowledgeable and experienced learners. It is the responsibility of educators and the creative environment to nurture and inspire curiosity by immersing the children in a rich, inclusive and expressive learning space.

Deakin Preschool provides children with every opportunity to showcase what they already know and understand, through inquiry and opportunities to explore open ended play experiences.

Deakin Preschool holds the belief that the environment is the third teacher; it acts as a tool to enrich children’s curiosity about the world around them.

You will see children engaged in play, exploring personal interests through the inquiry process, exhibiting originality, and constructing knowledge through the spontaneity of the arts.

As educators, we hold great value in building relationships with each child and their families. We hold high expectations for each child, by allowing them the opportunity to express their capabilities in a safe and trusting space. We gain knowledge by understanding how children expose their knowledge of the world through Reggio Emilia’s 100 languages. We are passionate educators who believe in the pedagogy of listening and questioning. By listening to children’s self-dialogue as they explore different elements of creativity, educators can deepen curiosity by constructing questions which provoke new ideas and ways of thinking.

We welcome and embrace all families to Deakin Preschool.