Cultural Inclusion

The Indigenous Culture Club is held on Wednesdays (even weeks) in the library 2.05 - 3pm.  Afternoon tea is kindly supplied by the Forrest Afters Program (FOOSHC). Younger siblings are also invited to participate. Parents/carers, staff and community members are encouraged to share their culture and heritage with the students.

Culture Club is facilitated by the staff Indigenous liaison Officer in partnership with staff, parents, carers and community members. We organise an arts, literature and environment programme to support the children to connect with their mob, Forrest Country, local history and heritage. Culture Club students take leadership roles in organising and presenting the Harmony Day, Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week Assemblies. Our Indigenous Learning Support Assistant visits classes to share Indigenous perspectives for the PYP units of inquiry and the Culture Club.

The ACT Education Directorate’s Cultural Integrity Policy provides schools with the opportunity for all of us to come together to share, learn and grow in the spirit of reconciliation to recognise the important place Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and history has in our community.

You can find a copy of the Forrest Primary School Rap here